Startups Need Sustainable Growth to Thrive, Says CEO Bobby Chacko

Bobby Chacko
1 min readJul 13, 2021


While Bobby Chacko focuses on explosive growth, he says startups need to create sustainable growth for long-term success. As a former CEO and President of an American enterprise corporation, he knows what it’s like to $2 billion in global sales. But, he has also gone door to door, cold-calling for jobs in order to keep his work visa as a fresh grad.

His career is full of ambitions that most could only dream of experiencing, including his time living in Europe, Africa, and Latin America.

Focus on Long-Term Growth

Bobby Chacko helps his clients learn how to create sustainable growth by protecting their assets, shortening their supply chain, cutting excess costs, retaining customers, and increasing leads with a strategy in place. He says when leaders focus on growth, they often let their best customers or critical stakeholders fall through the cracks, ultimately crippling its growth potential.



Bobby Chacko

Bobby Chacko is a veteran CPG executive and entrepreneur who has spent the last 25 years as a transformational leader driving progress, equality and sustainabil